
Showing posts from February, 2023

5 Lean Leadership Principle Every Product Managers Must Know

  Lean principles help businesses to get their valuable products to market faster. These lean principles aim to optimize product development and maximize a product's value to customers. Further, as a product manager, applying lean principles requires a shift in your mindset and organization. In this blog, we will discuss some lean management principles that allow managers to bring products to market as quickly as possible.  Respect people Respecting people is a driving factor in lean management. Unfortunately, this lean management principle is often overshadowed by other demands. Refocusing on respect in a sector where developers are handled like commodities is critical. A team's foundation should be built on respect. A team is deliverable when there is effective communication, continuous training, and onboarding procedures.  An excellent lean manager promotes respect and applies respectful practices through training procedures, prompt responses, and specific deadlines. Team

9 Lean Leadership Behaviors To Support Continuous Business Improvement

Over 90% of CEOs every year plan to increase their investment in leadership development. This is because they consider leadership as one of the most important human capital.    Although everyone is aware of the importance of leadership, still it is not clear among leaders what traits of leadership should be developed and rewarded. However, a lot of lean leadership behavior will help you get results. In this blog, we will discuss the important lean leadership behaviors that will benefit leaders.  Be supportive This is one of the most important lean leadership behaviors for developing a culture of continuous improvement. This will ultimately result in a stronger, healthier organization.  Leaders that stand by their followers through their failures and successes create a culture of trust and respect that encourages innovation, productivity, and teamwork. Employees who feel comfortable seeking opportunities for improvement under such continuous improvement leadership build a stronger or